
gentle and kind中文是什么意思

  • 柔惠
  • 温良



  • 例句与用法
  • He'll not seem to you so gentle and kind at first, perhaps, because it is not his way .
  • The appetite has changed and now they are attracted to the blooming flower , to a bubbling fountain , or to a face that is humble and gentle and kind and affirming
  • Shen wenbao lived near the great lake taihu . he was very kind . his whole family was gentle and kind . they released trapped animals whenever they could
  • The other half of life , as long as she is gentle and kind - hearted generous tolerance reasonable xian - hui , i am willing to walk with her life ' s journey - - -
    人生中的另一半,只要她是温柔善良贤惠大方宽容明事理的人,我愿意陪她走完人生的路程- - - !
  • We were all strangers to him , and yet he was ever so gentle and kind , following us and stretching out his nose as if to give us a kiss to say " welcome .
  • I am gentle and kind woman . i hope sincere friend and soul mate i love to swim and dance , play chess , meshwork , music etc
  • He ll not seem to you so gentle and kind at first , perhaps , because it is not his way : still , mind you , be frank and cordial with him ; and naturally he ll be fonder of you than any uncle , for you are his own
    也许一开始你觉得他不怎么和气仁慈,因为这不是他的作风可是,你得记住,还是要跟他坦白和亲切他就会很自然地比任何舅舅还要更喜欢你,因为你是他自己的孩子啊。 ”
  • 推荐英语阅读
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